Eight Nepalese students went to Japan for study and training in different fields In 1902. Then Prime Minister Dev Samsher Rana made this decision and was carried out by his successor Chandra Smasher Rana. They were sent to Japan along with 17 other helpers for them and all the expenses were born by the government of Nepal. They reached Japan on 17 June 1902, completed their training and came back to Nepal in 1905.
Since then slowly Nepalese students started going to japan for higher study. An informal and non -registered club of Japan returned students was founded with 5 members in 1963. One of the founding members was Mr Harendra B Barua who is the senior advisor of present executive committee of JUAAN in 2022. Then a formal club was established as “Japan Students and Trainees Club” in 1973 and was registered in Malpot Adda according to the rule of Nepal government that time. The club used to organize different activities under the patronage of Embassy of Japan.
The club was transformed to Japan University Students Association, Nepal in 1996 (JUSAN) an association of students and trainees returned from Japan. Later the number of trainees became many more and there was not an uniformity in training programs. Moreover, the process how Nepalese used to go to Japan for training was also different. So there were varieties of trainees returning from Japan.
Therefore, later JUSAN became JUAAN (Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal), an association of only students and graduates from Japan in 2008 excluding trainees.
The aims of JUAAN are
- To unite all the Nepalese graduates from different Japanese Universities and Institutes
- To share their knowledge and skills
- To contribute to nation building process in Nepal
- To promote Nepal Japan Friendship
Different activities JUAAN is carrying out regularly are
- Benkyokai – 3-4 times/year
- Conferences/ seminars – Nepal Japan Friendship – 1-2 times/year
- Annual function every year
- Social events like Dashain Gathering, Bounenkai, Shinnenkai etc
- Collaboration with JAAN, JALTAAN, AOTS
- Publication-
- Annual Bulletin- once a year
- Renraku, News Bulletin – 4 times/year