JUAAN Seminar 2024

JUAAN Seminar Explores Climate Change and Disaster Management

Kathmandu, Nepal — On November 23, 2024, the Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal (JUAAN), organized a compelling seminar titled Addressing Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Lessons from Japan and Nepal at Hotel Royal Singi. This initiative brought together experts to address the urgent issue of climate-induced disasters and explore cross-national strategies for resilience.

Keynote and Highlights

The seminar opened with remarks by JUAAN President Dr. Sunil Babu Shrestha and Chief Guest H.E. Yutaka Kikuta, the Ambassador of Japan to Nepal. A keynote presentation by Dr. Vishnu Pandey, former General Secretary of JUAAN, set the stage with an in-depth analysis of the increasing frequency and severity of water-induced disasters in Nepal and Japan.

Dr. Pandey highlighted significant events, including the 2024 Thame flood and record-breaking rainfall in Nepal, alongside Japan’s advanced disaster response strategies like its “River Basin Disaster Resilience” model. He emphasized the necessity for collaborative learning and action to mitigate climate risks.

Panel Discussion

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Taranidhi Bhattarai, the seminar featured an interactive panel discussion with experts:

  • Dr. Indira Kandel: Discussed data-driven insights into escalating climate risks.
  • Dr. Prem Paudel: Focused on policy and financing mechanisms addressing climate change.
  • Dr. Bal Bahadur Parajuli: Explored preparedness and response bottlenecks.
  • Dr. Dinesh Devkota: Addressed institutional challenges in disaster management.

The dialogue underscored the importance of policy coherence, institutional capacity, and international cooperation in adapting to climate challenges.

Impact and Conclusion

The seminar concluded with a vote of thanks by JUAAN Vice President Dr. Hom Nath Chalise, followed by a networking session. Over 35 participants, including policymakers, academics, and practitioners, exchanged ideas on building sustainable and resilient systems to confront the challenges posed by climate change.

This initiative reaffirms JUAAN’s commitment to fostering knowledge-sharing platforms that inspire actionable solutions for a safer, more sustainable future.


जापान अध्ययन गर्न जाने नेपाली विद्यार्थी बढिरहेकोमा सञ्चार मन्त्री शर्माद्वारा खुसी व्यक्त

ललितपुर । जापानमा विभिन्न विषयमा उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गरि स्वदेश फर्केका नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरुको संस्था ‘जापानिज युनिर्भसिटीज एलुम्नाई एशोसियसन नेपाल’ (जुआन) स्थापनाको ५० वर्षको वार्षिक कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएको छ ।

जुआनले यो वर्षभरी विभिन्न कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरि जुआन स्थापनाको स्वर्ण महोत्सव मनाएको थियो । सन् १९७३ मा सो संस्था स्थापना गरिएको थियो । स्वर्ण महोत्सव कार्यक्रम समापनका अवसरमा जुआनले शनिबार ललितपुरमा एक कार्यक्रमको आयोजना गर्यो । सो कार्यक्रममा सञ्चार तथा सूचना प्रविधि मन्त्री रेखा शर्माले सन् १९०२ अर्थात १ सय २२ वर्ष अघिदेखि नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरु जापानमा उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गर्न जान थालेकोमा पछिल्लो समयमा नेपाली विद्यार्थी अध्ययनका लागि जापान जाने क्रम झनै बढ्नु खुसीको कुरा भएको बताइन् ।

गत वर्ष विभिन्न विषयमा उच्च शिक्षा अध्ययनको लागि १६ हजार नेपाली विद्यार्थी जापान गएको पनि उनले बताईन । जापान नेपालको असल मित्र मात्र नभई प्रमुख दातृराष्ट्र भएको पनि मन्त्री शर्माले उल्लेख गरीन् ।

कार्यक्रममा नेपालका लागि जापानी राजदूत किकुता युताकाले नेपाल र जापानबीचको कुटनैतिक सम्वन्ध सन् १९५६ मा स्थापना भएतापनि नेपाली विद्यार्थी जापानमा पढ्न जान थालेको भने १ सय २२ वर्ष पुरा भएकोमा खुसी व्यक्त गरे ।

सन् १९५८ देखि जापान सरकारले नेपाली विद्यार्थीलाई उच्च शिक्षाको लागि छात्रवृत्ति दिएर जापानमा पढ्न लैजान थालेको पनि राजदूत किकुताले स्मंरण गराए ।

जापानले नेपाललाई गर्दै आएको आर्थिक तथा प्राविधिक सहयोग केवल सहयोग मात्र नभई यो नेपालको उज्ज्वल भविष्यको लागि जापानी लगानी भएको पनि राजदूत किकुताले प्रष्ट पारे ।

कार्यक्रममा जुआन स्थापनाको ५० वर्षसम्म भए गरेका मुख्य गतिविधि समेटिएको स्मारिकाको मन्त्री शर्मा र जापानी राजदूत किकुताले संयुक्तरुपमा ल्यापटपबाट डिजिटल्ली विमोचन गरे ।

जुआनका अध्यक्ष डा.सुनिल बाबु श्रेष्ठले जुआन स्थापनाकालदेखि स्वर्ण महोत्सवसम्मको नालीबेली बताउँदै जुआनले नेपाली विद्यार्थीमार्फत नेपाल र जापानबीचको शैक्षिक र सांस्कृतिक सम्वन्ध प्रवद्र्धनमा जोड दिएको उल्लेख गरे । ‘जुआनले नेपाली विद्यार्थी र जापानबीच पुलको काम गर्दै आएको छ’—अध्यक्ष डा.श्रेष्ठले भने । अध्यक्ष डा. श्रेष्ठको सभापतित्वमा सम्पन्न कार्यक्रममा जुआनका उपाध्यक्ष डा. होमनाथ चालिसेले धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गरेका थिए ।

सन् १९०१ मा राणाकालीन सुधारवादी प्रधानमन्त्री श्री ३ देव शमसेरले आफ्नो छोटो कार्यकालमा ८ जना नेपाली विद्यार्थीलाई सरकारी खर्चमा विभिन्न विषयमा उच्च शिक्षा अध्ययनको लागि जापान पठाउने निर्णय गरेका थिए ।त्यसपछिका प्रधानमन्त्री श्री ३ चन्द्र शमसेरले ती विद्यार्थीलाई सन् १९०२ मार्च ८ मा भारत हुँदै जापान पठाएका थिए ।

यसरी पहिलोपटक जापानमा उच्च शिक्षा पढ्न जाने नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरुमा जंगनरसिंह राणा र भक्तबहादुर बस्न्यात हतियार इन्जिनियरिङ्ग, देव नरसिंह राणा र वालनरसिंह रायमाझि खनिज, दीप नरसिंह राणा कृषि, हेम बहादुर राजभण्डारी मेकानिकल इन्जिनिरिङ्ग, रुद्रलाल सिंह व्यवहारिक रसायनशास्त्र र विचारमान सिंह सेरामिक्स (माटोको भाँडा,पछि रेशम खेती) बारे थिए ।


जापानबारे लेख/रचना आह्वान

नेपाली र जापानी जनता बिच आपसी समझदारी र मित्रता गहिरो, दरो, सुगठित र संवृद्ध गर्ने अभिप्रायले जापानबारे अध्ययन अनुसन्धान गर्ने विद्वान्, अनुसन्धाता नेपाली लेखकहरूलाई घच्घच्याउने उद्देश्यले ‘साकाई लायन्स क्लब तथा इमानिसी मेमोरियल फेलोसिप ट्रस्ट’ द्वारा विगत १५ वर्षदेखि संचालन हुँदै आएको प्रतियोगितात्मक विद्वद्वृत्ति यस वर्ष पनि यसै सूचनाद्वारा आह्वान गरिएको छ ।


१. लेख/रचनाको विषय जापानको सामाजिक र मानविकी शास्त्र (समाजशास्त्र, शिक्षा, अर्थशास्त्र, राजनीति शास्त्र, कला, संस्कृति, धर्म अथवा भाषा, आदि) अथवा विज्ञान तथा प्रविधिमा आधारित हुनुपर्नेछ ।
२. लेख/रचना तीन हजार शब्द भन्दा बढी नहुने गरी शुद्ध नेपाली भाषामा सन्दर्भ सामग्री स्पष्ट हुने गरी लेखिएको हुनुपर्नेछ। त्यसका साथै अंग्रेजीमा एक अनुच्छेदमा नबढाई (१५ शब्द भित्रमा) सारांश पनि पठाउनु पर्नेछ ।
३. उत्कृष्ट लेख/रचनाहरुको छनौट समितिले गर्ने छ र उत्कृष्ट लेख/रचनाहरु पुरस्कृत गरी प्रकाशित गरिनेछ । प्रकाशित लेख/रचनालाई पनि उचित पुरस्कार तथा सम्मान—पत्र प्रदान गरिनेछ ।
४. लेख/रचना फाल्गुन १३ गते (तद्नुसार १ मार्च २०२४) सम्म तलको इमेल ठेगानामा पठाउनु पर्ने छ । यससँगै आफ्नो छोटो व्यक्तिवृत्तान्त र फोटो संलग्न गर्नु पर्नेछ । लेख/रचना पूर्व प्रकाशित नभएको र मौलिक हुनुपर्छ र इन्टरनेटबाट उतार नगरिएको हुनुपर्नेछ ।
५. प्राप्त सामाग्रीहरुको कानुनी अधिकार जुआनमा रहनेछ ।

Email: info@juaan.org.np, Website: www.juaan.org.np

MEXT Scholars Orientation Program


Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship orientation program, 2023 was held at the Embassy Hall, on 15th September 2023.

This year, 14 Nepali students received the MEXT scholarship under University Recommendation scheme. In spring, five MEXT scholarship students were sent to Japan under Embassy Recommendation scheme, which means, in FY2023, the Japanese government provided 19 Nepali students with opportunities for higher education.

Where Dr. Sunil Babu Shrestha President of Japanese University Alumni Association of Nepal (JUAAN) gave a Welcome Speech as follows.



Ms. Mayuko Sato, Cultural Secretary, Embassy of Japan

Mr. Harendra Bikas Barua, Former President of JUAAN

New MEXT scholars

Senior Members of JUAAN

Ladies and gentlemen,


Namaskar/ Konichiwa and Good afternoon

It is my great pleasure that I stand before you today as the President of the Japanese University Alumni Association of Nepal (JUAAN) to extend a warm welcome to all the new students who have been selected to receive the prestigious MEXT scholarship for higher studies in Japan. This is an extraordinary achievement, and I would like to congratulate each and every one of you on this remarkable milestone.

First and foremost, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Government of Japan for their continuous support in providing scholarships to Nepalese students. This unwavering commitment to fostering educational opportunities has made a significant impact on the lives of many individuals, including ourselves. We are immensely grateful for the generosity and vision of the Japanese government.

I would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Embassy of Japan in Nepal for their invaluable support in organizing this orientation program. We appreciate this effort in creating a platform for aspiring scholars to embark on their educational journey in Japan.

Furthermore, it is an honor to have Ms. Mayuko Sato, the Cultural Secretary, with us today. Your gracious presence at this orientation program is truly inspiring, and we thank you for taking the time to address our new students. Your guidance and insights will undoubtedly serve as a beacon of light as they navigate their way through their studies in Japan.

As you embark on this incredible journey, I want to emphasize the importance of recognizing the historical linkages between Nepal and Japan. In 1902, eight fortunate students from Nepal embarked on a transformative journey to Japan, laying the foundation for a strong and enduring bond between two nations. Their pioneering spirit and commitment to knowledge have become a symbol of resilience and determination. Today, you are the torchbearers of this legacy, carrying forward the torch of cultural exchange, knowledge sharing, and friendship during the study period and after wards.

Studying in Japan is not only an opportunity for academic growth; it is a chance to immerse your selves in a rich and diverse culture. Japan, with its technological advancements, artistic heritage, and academic excellence, offers a unique platform for learning and personal development. Embrace the Japanese way of life, engage with the local community, and seize every opportunity to expand your horizons. Your experiences in Japan will not only shape you as individuals but will also contribute to the promotion of Nepal-Japan relations.

As members of the Japanese University Alumni Association of Nepal, we are here to support and guide you throughout your journey. The senior members present today, with their wealth of experience and wisdom, are here to provide valuable insights and suggestions about life in Japan. They have walked the path you are about to embark upon and can offer invaluable advice on navigating the challenges, seizing opportunities, and making the most of your time in Japan.

JUAAN eagerly anticipate your return as accomplished graduates. We welcome you with open arms to join our esteemed alumni network, where you can connect with fellow scholars, share your experiences, and contribute to the growth of our association. We are confident that your time in Japan will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives needed to contribute meaningfully to our society.

Finally, I would like to once again congratulate all the new scholarship recipients. Your dedication, hard work, and academic achievements have opened new doors of opportunity. Embrace this chance to learn, grow, and make lasting connections. The Japanese University Alumni Association of Nepal (JUAAN) stands ready to support you in your journey and celebrate your successes.

Thank you all for your presence here today, and I extend my best wishes to each and every one of you. May your time in Japan be filled with profound learning, personal growth, and cherished memories. We eagerly await your return as proud members of the Japanese University Alumni Association of Nepal.

Thank you.

Dr. Sunil Babu Shrestha

President of JUAAN

15th September, 2023

Condolence Message on demise of Ms.Imanishi


Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal (JUAAN) expresses a deep sorrow and extends the message of condolence to the bereaved family and people of Japan on sad demise of Mrs Yoshiko Imanishi on 2 August 2023.

She was the spouse of late Mr Toshio Imanishi, former president of Sakai Lions Club and founder of JUAAN Sakai Lions Club and Imanishi Memorial Fellowship Trust, Kathmandu, Nepal.

She was keenly interested in Nepal and JUAAN activities even after demise of her husband, Mr Imanishi.

We, the members of JUAAN, pray for the eternal peace of her departed soul. May almighty give the power of patience and tolerance to her beloved ones and may all of her followers get through this disheartening moment.

Dr. Prabin Shrestha, MD, PhD

President, JUAAN

Condolence message of Ms Imanishi

Condolence Message – Former Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Shinzo Abe

Condolence Message

Date: 2022/07/08


Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal (JUAAN) expresses a deep sorrow and extends the message of condolence to the family and people of Japan on unexpected and shocking demise of former prime minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe.
He was one of the most popular leaders of Japan and left a wonderful legacy behind. He was a great friend of Nepal and the diplomatic relation and friendship between Nepal and Japan reached a significant height during his rule. He was greatly admired, respected and loved in Nepal.
We, the members of JUAAN, pray for the eternal peace of his departed soul, may almighty give the power of patience and tolerance to his beloved ones and may all of his followers get through this disheartening moment.
Dr. Prabin Shrestha, MD, PhD President, JUAAN

Imanishi Trust Fellowship Distribution Cum JUAAN Annual Function

Imanishi Trust Fellowship DistributionCum JUAANAnnual Function(VIRTUAL)


Chief Guest H.E.Mr. KIKUTA Yutaka Sama

Hajime Mashitey and Welcome to Nepal.

First Secretary, Dr.Yuriko Akiyama Sama, ExecutiveCommittee MembersEx Presidents, Esteemed JUAAN Members, Ladies, and Gentleman.

It is my great pleasure and honor to extend warm welcome to H.E.  in this special event, Imanishi Trust

Fellowship Distribution Cum JUAAN Annual functions.  Owing to unprecedented pandemic crisis we are unable to meet and pay our respect to your Excellency physically. However, JUAAN is always keeping such respect in mind. Nepali students have a century old relationship with Japan and its people. The Government of Nepal sent a group of eight students to Japan in 1902. This important milestone initiation has created a history for 1) beginning of cultural exchange between two countries; 2) first Nepalese to land in Japan, and 3) first Nepalese to go abroad for higher studies. The next year 2022 is land marking the history on completion of 120 years of Nepali students in Japan. JUAAN will be very happy to celebrate this important event in coming year.

MEXT scholarship was started in 1957 and since then annually Nepalese student is receiving higher education opportunity and is supporting nation building through transferring the knowledge, technology and culture. All Nepalese students who have studied in Japan under either Monbukagakusho scholarships or non Monbukagakusho programs for more than one year are unifying under the umbrella of JUAAN and since its establishment in 1973 is receiving support continuously from Embassy of Japan. Your Excellency we feel proud on that JUAAN is the first Japan Alumni in South Asia and 2nd in whole Asia. JUAAN is also taking active initiation to organize the SAFJUAA South Asia Japan Alumni Association and hosted the first SAFJUAA meeting in 2005. JUAAN is managing the Sakai Lions Club & Imanishi Fellowship Trust, since last 24 years. The main aim of this trust is to promote the Nepal Japan relationships through publications, research and various promotional activities. In this year also, we have published the journal articles and expects that it will support to enrich the knowledge between two countries. I, would like to express since thanks to the Embassy of Japan, authors, and contributors.

The present executive committee was unable to organize more events physically, however, we put our efforts to organize Sakura plantation on the auspicious occasion of the 60th birthday of Emperor Naruhito. The series of talk programs on diverse thematic areas like current pandemic situation, Nagdhung Tunnel construction, social, cultural, tourism, related lectures were also organized. All these were possible due with the support of all our esteemed members, and Embassy of Japan.

I would like to express sincere thanks to Embassy of Japan, specially First secretary Dr. Akiyama sama,  for many valuable advices and cooperation. Similarly JUAAN senior member Mr. Harendra Barua  also equally deserves thanks for his continuous guidance.   I wish your excellency, all Japanese officials, and JUAAN members stay Safe and Healthy.

Doumo Arigatou Gozaimasu. 

Dr. Prem Paudel, President, JUAAN

July 23, 2021


Grieving the sudden demise of Present Executive Committee Member.

We all are shocked and saddened by sudden demise of our senior member Prof Dr. Nirmala Upreti. She will be sadly missed and well remembered. May her divine eternal soul rest in peace. Almighty God give the strength to her family members and all best wishers.

Interview: I Will Be Effortful To Take Japan-Nepal Relations To A New Height – Japanese Ambassador Kikuta

Kathmandu, April 3: Yutaka Kikuta is the newly-appointed ambassador of Japan for Nepal. Diplomat Kikuta who was serving at Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been appointed as the ambassador for Nepal.

Prior to this, he was the ambassador for Nigeria. Before that, he served as the deputy chief of mission for Bhutan and India in 2015.    

Experienced diplomat Kikuta had worked as part of a Japanese mission in several countries including Thailand and the Netherlands.    

Excerpts of an interview with the new ambassador by Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS)’s Senior Executive Editor Somnath Lamichhane and Executive Editor Yekraj Pathak:    

Nepal and Japan enjoy warm and friendly relations for a long time both at the government-to-government and people-to-people level. How will you further strengthen Nepal-Japan relations in the days ahead in your term?    

First of all, I am very pleased to be designated as Japan’s envoy to this fascinating country, Nepal, where Sagarmatha lies, and whose motto is जननीजन्मभूमिष्चस्वर्गादपिगरियसि “Mother and motherland are greater than heaven”. I am looking forward to working with the government and people to see “Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali” (Sambriddha Nepal, Sukhi Nepali).    

Nepal and Japan have been enjoying a long-term friendship, as I will describe later. I have unforgettable memories of my own, too. Based on such friendship, I will spare no effort to further strengthen our bilateral relationship. My strategy is to meet as many Nepali people as possible, both high ranking leaders and common people, and to visit as many places in Nepal as possible.

I believe Japan has a variety of tools to further strengthen the existing cordial relationship. By hearing people’s voices, and seeing the various charms and challenges of this country, I will explore how best Japan can cooperate with Nepal, using its policy mix to the largest extent possible.    

There is a long and deep history between Japan and Nepal, all started with the visit of a Japanese monk, KAWAGUCHI Ekai, to Kathmandu in 1899. Japan and Nepal established official diplomatic relations in 1956, and we have been strengthening our relationship as true friends ever since.    

High-level exchanges between the two countries have been quite active; the Rt. Hon. President Mrs Bhandari visited Japan and the Foreign Ministers from both countries travelled to see each other recently.    

Next year, 2022, is the 120th anniversary since the first eight Nepali students were dispatched to Japan for their studies.    

Personally speaking, my hometown is Fukushima in Japan. Therefore, I was so grateful to Nepali people for their prayers and help when the Great East Earthquake hit the Tohoku region in 2011. As you can imagine, it was still so cold in the mountainous northern part of Japan in March.

The people there, including my parents, relatives, and friends, had no food, no electricity, no heat, no gasoline, etc. At that moment, the 5,000 blankets Nepal kindly sent to the region in fact save thousands of lives. Freshly cooked Dal-Bhat and warm Nepalese coffee also encouraged their hearts and bodies to survive.    

That was why Japan provided support for Nepal soon after the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, of which tremor I felt in New Delhi, sending emergency rescuers and relief materials and have been assisting the reconstruction of schools, residential homes, and supporting Nepal to be a more disaster-resilient nation.    

In return, Nepali people in Japan kindly visited Kumamoto in 2016, volunteering to cook Dal-Bhat for the Japanese who were affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake in April 2016. It was said that they would like to show their appreciation for the Japanese Government’s assistance during and after the 2015 earthquake in Nepal.    

In this way, the strong friendship between Nepal and Japan is based on mutual help and respect between the countries and heartfelt sympathy among the people even in those difficult times.    

Japan remains one of the largest donor countries for Nepal for the upliftment of Nepal’s development efforts, including infrastructure, socio-economic, education, health etc. In the changed context of globalization, how Nepali entrepreneurs can attract Japanese investment, technology, and technical support? How the Embassy can help Nepali entrepreneurs to achieve this goal?

When the Rt. Hon. President Mrs Bhandari visited Bangladesh recently, the President stated that in order to increase and strike a balance in trade, it is important to remove difficulties in trade, develop infrastructure, and ensure easy market access. I totally agree with the President. I would say the same can be said to attract foreign direct investment, too. Rather than increasing the hurdles, how much the Nepali entrepreneurs and businesspeople could show their charms to attract Japanese investors under conducive government policy really matters.    

One of the opportunities may be EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN, in which Nepal will participate. This special occasion will be a showcase for Nepal to present its prosperity and happiness to the world.    

Japan has been supporting Nepal as a long-term friend by assisting agriculture, healthcare, education, infrastructure, good governance, peace-building, and helping Nepal’s recovery from the earthquake by making Nepal a disaster-resilient nation, as well as helping in various other sectors for Nepal’s social and economic development. Not only money, but Japan has also been extending a lot of technical assistance as well because we believe that nation-building starts with human resource development.    

Your Excellency, the COVID-19 pandemic has created huge loss of employment, economic opportunities, and access to basic services as health, education. How the Japanese government is thinking over to help countries like Nepal? Are there any plans?    

Yes, we have made some significant contributions so far and we have plans for the future. Since last year Japan has been contributing to formulating the COVAX Facility and announced its financial contribution of 200 million US dollars in total.    

I landed at Tribhuvan International Airport on the morning of March 7th, 2021, travelling from my former posting in Nigeria, as one of the passengers of a flight that happened to carry the COVAX vaccines to Nepal. I had a chance to talk with Mr Tripathi, Minister for Health and Population, and ambassadors of donor countries, and members of international organizations, who gathered there to welcome the vaccines (not me) on that day. It was just a coincidence, but it was my very first experience in Nepal.    

The vaccine is important, but the cold chain is also vital. On March 9th, 2021, the Government of Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid of approximately 41 million USD to 25 South East and South West Asian and Pacific Island countries, including Nepal. This grant is to assist cold chain equipment, including medical equipment such as cold-storage facilities and transportation, to ensure the vaccines reach down to the last person as “Last One Mile Support” to ensure vaccinations for each country, through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).    

Besides these direct remedies, Japan has been supporting Nepal on the issues caused by COVID-19. For example, we assist food security in Nepal with WFP, USD 3.47 million has been provided to implement the mother and the child health and nutritional programme in the vulnerable districts of Province 1 and 2.    

In the future Japan will continue to work together with the international community in this fight against COVID-19; based on its commitments made as a member of G7 and Quad (Japan, US, India, Australia) such as:    
-We, the leaders of the Group of Seven, met today and resolved to work together to beat COVID-19 and build back better. (G7 February 19th).    
-We will accelerate global vaccine development and deployment (G7).    
-We resolve to agree on concrete action on these priorities at the G7 Summit in the United Kingdom in June (G7).    
-We will join forces to expand safe, affordable, and effective vaccine production and equitable access, to speed economic recovery and benefit global health (Quad March 12th).    
-We will combine our nations’ medical, scientific, financing, manufacturing and delivery, and development capabilities and establish a vaccine expert working group to implement our path-breaking commitment to safe and effective vaccine distribution (Quad).    
What could be the area of cooperation between Nepal and Japan in the future? How can both countries develop a long-term partnership?    

One of the key areas of cooperation should be the reconstruction of the society which will be more resilient to natural disaster, based on the concept of BBB “Build Back Better.” For example, stronger structures for houses and schools will be effective for the affected communities to enable them to restore their lives and move forward. As I mentioned before, we have a shared experience to this effect.    

Moreover, Japan has been assisting Nepal’s economic growth through social and economic infrastructure, power and water, health systems and education. For example, the Sindhuli Road (BP Highway) makes the daily lives of Nepali people better through the smooth transportation of goods within the country. For better access to medical care and education, we have been working with the Nepal Government and local NGOs to achieve this.    

With regard to the water issue, it is my great pleasure to see the Melamachi water finally reached Kathmandu on Sunday, March 28th. This achievement is the result of a construction project of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at Sundarijal funded by Japan and related projects financed by ADB and others. Japan’s support for the Plant was JPY5, 494 million (equivalent to NPR 5,806 million), which purifies water of 85 million litres per day (MLD). I hope the clean water from the Melamchi River will help the daily life and improve the standard of living of Kathmanduites.    

We understand that Nepal has been striving to consolidate democracy, and Japan has been working together with Nepal for good governance, and we would like to encourage Nepal’s aim to graduate from LLDC in 2022 and upgrade to a middle-income country in 2030, which will be achieved by the poverty reduction programmes under the Nepal Government.    

Environment protection and climate change are the most challenging issues which we should tackle together as the international community. Nepal is no exception when it comes, for example, to global warming as a country that has Himalayas glaciers. Another example would be air quality within the city area. This may be eased by less traffic congestion in the Kathmandu Valley; which Japan has been working on as well. I must say solving such issues will lead to the better health of future generations.    

People-to-people exchange is one of the important elements for both Japan and Nepal, to know each other further and to enhance our long-term partnership. We have a student scholarship programme by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), under which a number of Nepali academics have studied in Japan, and a programme called JDS (The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship) by JICA for young Nepali civil servants to study in Japanese graduate schools.

We always appreciate the alumni’s contributions in the various sectors of Nepal society, helped by their experiences in Japan, and their love for Japan as their second home. In addition to those student exchanges, there is a new opportunity opened in 2019, for Nepalis as “Specified Skilled Worker,” we welcome highly-skilled Nepali people to come over to Japan for work as well.    

I am also looking forward to seeing the tourism sector between the two countries expands more, as tourism always give us a new perspective of our world. It was a pity to hear that the Visit Nepal 2020 campaign was affected by COVID-19. However, the direct flight between Japan and Nepal by Nepal Airlines will be the key for travellers.    

Last year we marked the Golden Jubilee of the first Japanese summit of Sagarmatha, achieved by Mr UEMURA Naomi and Mr MATSUURA Teruo and it was also the 45 years anniversary of Ms TABEI Junko, a Fukushima native, becoming the first woman mountaineer reached to the summit of Sagarmatha. Once the COVID-19 situation settles down, we would like to welcome more Nepalis to visit Japan for sightseeing and to enjoy Japanese culture as well as our traditional cuisine “Washoku,” and of course, many Japanese mountaineers and travel-lovers are waiting to visit Nepal soon.    

How the Japanese people treat and assess Nepal in their country Japan? Have you been to Nepal before? If so, what was the most memorable moment?    

I think Japanese people have a special sense of intimacy toward Nepal, stemming from the beauty of its nature, Buddhism and culture, food, and the people. The flower of Fukushima, my hometown, is Laliguras, the national flower of Nepal.    

I remember the beautiful light-purple flowers on the jacaranda trees within the Valley when I visited Kathmandu as Director of the Southwest Asia Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan many years ago. On that occasion, I visited the Budokan, a Japanese-style sports facility, which was built by Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture as a sister city of Kathmandu.

Former Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Ryutaro Hashimoto, who loved the mountains of this country, visited this Budokan for the opening ceremony in 2002. Both Mr Hashimoto and I have 6th grade in black belt in Kendo, the Japanese swordsmanship martial art. I enjoyed practising Kendo at the Budokan with young Nepali Kendo players.    

In 2005, I welcomed the then Crown Prince Paras and Crown Princess Himani to EXPO 2005 AICHI JAPAN. The wooden wall decoration bestowed to me by Princess Himani has been my family treasure since then, and I found an ornament of the same motif in my office at the Japanese Embassy here this time!    

Source: Rising Nepal Daily

Congratulations on the occasion of the new Crown Prince announcement

The President and the Members of Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal (JUAAN) extend heartiest Congratulation and Best wishes on the historic day of announcement of Prince Akishino as Crown Prince of Japan by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Naruhito on November 8.2020.

JUAAN. Kathmandu. Nepal

Sympathy for Victims of Recent Heavy Rain and Landslide Events in Japan

We are deeply saddened to hear the news of great loss of lives and property due to heavy rains and landslides in western Japan and other areas. We, the members of JUAAN, express our deep condolences and sympathy to the bereaved families. Many of JUAAN members, including current President studied in Kyushu University. Many others in Kagoshima University, Nagasaki University and Hiroshima University. Many are familiar with Kumamoto/Fukuoka areas. We are grateful to the Government and people of Japan for their many kindnesses. We wish and pray that normalcy will return as early as possible.


Dr. Prem Prasad Paudel, President, 12th Executive Committee of JUAAN

Unpacking COVID-19 cases of Nepal with global scenarios

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As a regular learning event “benkyokai”, JUAAN organized a webinar on “COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview” on 23rd July, 2020. The event held on zoom platform from 18:00 – 19:15 hrs was attended by 25 participants, Dr. Prabin Shrestha, a medical doctor by profession and an Active Life Member and Immediate Past Vice-President of JUAAN, shared his learnings on the aforementioned topic. The presentation was followed by a discussion session, which was moderated by Prof. Dr. Rohit Pokhrel, former President of JUAAN. COVID-19 (Corona Virus Diseae-2019) is currently a global a health problem. Its epidemic is currently going on around the world since early January 2020. Covid Pandemic, as was declared by WHO on 11 Feb, 2020, has so far claimed lives of more than 650,000 and has affected 15,500,000 people around the world as of 23 July. USA, Brazil, India, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina etc are the countries with highest daily incidence at the moment. Even though few Asian and European countries seem to be recovering from the pandemic, USA, South Asia, Latina and South America are having a tough time with ever increasing number of total positive cases of COVID-19 and deaths because of this.

Few states of USA, namely California, Florida, Texas; India, Brazil and other few countries of Latin and South America and Africa are emerging as new epicenters of COVID-19. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are worst hit and Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka are COVID best controlled countries in south Asia. Nepal lies in between these 2 groups. Nepal is one of the highly vulnerable countries from COVID-19 perspective as it lies in a highly pandemic zone. Moreover, several factors like its open and uncontrolled border with India, poor resources, poor health services and poor public awareness are contributing to the overall risk of COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal. However, scenario in Nepal seems satisfactory as compared to other worst hit countries of south Asia in terms of total case load, total deaths and test for COVID-19. Currently Nepal seems to be in stage 2 (Local Transmission) of epidemic on the basis of unequal distribution of cases age and sex wise. However, few signs of stage 3 (Community Transmission) evidenced by positive cases without unknown sources, have been observed. Currently the COVID pandemic in Nepal is in declining or decelerating phase since last few weeks and daily life has started taking its pace. However, considering world scenario of COVID pandemic and that in its neighbourhood countries, Nepal is still in high risk. It has to take every step to prevent case spread from India and local transmission. Mass screening and mass quarantine, if required, should be carried out without further delay. Four Ts- Test, Track, Trace and further Test, is the key to control pandemic in Nepal. Amid COVID control, Nepal government should facilitate economy of the country and thus life of people by promoting agriculture, local tourism, local industries etc. so that daily lively activities can be resumed. Researchers, scientists, medical professionals etc. should continue research and study on effect of pandemic in Nepal. They should disseminate the proven facts not only to their colleagues but also to the general public promptly so that Nepal can conquer victory over pandemic soon.

The presentation is available Here

JUAAN Organized a Webinar on Handling COVID – 19

JUAAN organized a webinar on “Handling COVID-19: Facts, Understanding, and Ways Forward” on25thMay, 2020as its regular learning program “benkyokai”. The event held on zoom platform from19:00–20:30 hrs was attended by 257 participants,who were professionals from diverse sectors,fromwithin and outside JUAAN family.Nearly 200 participants were there until the end of theprogram.Dr. Basu Dev Pandey, Director of Epidemiology and Disease Control Division (EDCD), Teku,and Dr. Sher Bahadur Pun, Virologist at Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital, Teku sharedtheir experiences and viewpoints on handling COVID-19 pandemic. Both of them aremembers ofJUAAN family and contributing significantly from frontline to deal with COVID-19. The webinar wasfollowed by question and answer session, which was moderated by Dr. Isha Dhungana Shrestha.

Dr. Prem Prasad Paudel chaired the session and welcomed all the participants in the program. It was followed by a talk from Dr. Basu Dev Pandey who highlighted facts/figures related to COVID-19, (mis) understandings, governments initiatives and policies, and potential future pathways. Then, Dr. Pun shared his experience of working at the frontline to fight war against COVID-19 and highlighted transmission pathways of COVID-19 as well as key messages that people need to be aware of. The two presentations addressed the government’s policies, initiatives/efforts and scientific understanding on COVID-19. There was very good discussion on different aspects of Corona virus and COVID-19. About 100 questions as well as viewpoints were shared by the participants on handling COVID-19. Many important issues and questions regarding public health impact as well as clinical aspects were raised. Not only the impacts but also the planning and possible measures to be taken in future were discussed. Scientists, clinicians and experts of different fields had actively participated amidst the fear and anxiety of this pandemic. The presentation by the two experts in the field as well as discussion helped to enhance understanding of present national as well as global scenarios of handling COVID-19.

जापानबारे लेख/रचना आह्वान गरिएको बारे।


जापान र नेपालका जनता बिच आपसी समझदारी र मित्रता वृद्धि गर्न, जापानबारे अध्ययन अनुसन्धान गर्ने विद्वान्, अनुसन्धानकर्ता तथा लेखक नेपालीहरूलाई प्रोत्साहन गर्ने उद्देश्यले यो पुरस्कार विगत १५ वर्षदेखि सञ्चालन हुँदै आएको छ।


१. लेख/रचनाको विषय जापानको सामाजिक, मानविकिशास्त्र (समाजशास्त्र, शिक्षा, अर्थशास्त्र, राजनितिशास्त्र, कला, जापानी संस्कृति, धर्म तथा जापानी भाषा) तथा विज्ञान तथा प्रविधिमा आधारित हुनुपर्नेछ।
२. लेख/रचना तीन हजार शब्द भन्दा बढी नहुने गरी शुद्ध नेपाली भाषामा सन्दर्भ सामाग्री स्पष्ट हुनेगरी लेखिएको हुनुपर्नेछ, साथै अङ्ग्रेजीमा एक अनुच्छेदमा नबढाई सारांश पनि पठाउनु पर्नेछ।
३. उत्कृष्ट लेख/रचनाहरूको छनौट, छनौट‍-समितिले गर्नेछ र उत्कृष्ट लेख/रचनाहरू पुरस्कृत गरी प्रकाशित गरिनेछ। प्रकाशित लेख/रचनालाई पुरस्कार स्वरूप प्रति लेख/रचना रू. १५,०००।- (अक्षरूपी रू. पन्ध्र हजार मात्र।) तथा सम्मान-पत्र प्रदान गरिनेछ।
४. लेख/रचना फाल्गुन ३ गते (तदनुसार Feb 15,2020) सम्म तलको इमेल ठेगानामा pdf format मा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ। यस सँगै आफ्नो छोटो बायोडाटा र फोटो सङ्लग्न गर्नुपर्नेछ। लेख/रचना मौलिक, पूर्व प्रकाशित नभएको, इन्टरनेटबाट उतार नगरिएको हुनुपर्नेछ।
५. प्राप्त सामाग्रीहरूको कानुनी अधिकार JUAAN मा रहनेछ।

थप जानकारीको लागि:


JUAAN Welcomed 2nd Batch of JDS Fellow

JUAAN participated at a program titled “Reporting Session of the 2nd Batch of JDS Fellow” organized by JICE on 27th November, 2019 at Hotel Annapurna. The program was held during 11:00 13:30 hrs and followed by lunch. It was attended by almost 50 participants, including 20 fellows who returned back after completing their two-years of study in Japan. Representatives of the government agencies, universities, JICA, JUAAN, JAAN, etc. were invited in the event. Selected JDS fellows also shared their research to the participants in the event.

Reporting Session of 2nd Batch of JDS Fellows, 27th November, Hotel Annapurna

Dr. Vishnu Prasad Pandey, General Secretary, represented JUAAN in the program. He congratulated the new graduates under the JDS fellowship and welcomed them as a member of Alumni of Japanese Universities. He also introduced JUAAN, its activities, and procedure to join JUAAN for newly returned graduates from Japan.

Enthronment of HIM Emperor Naruhito.

Hearty Congratulations from the People of Nepal to His Majesty (HIM Emperor Naruhito) on the occasion of Enthronment (October 22, 2019).

Hearty Congratulations from the People of Nepal to His Majesty (HIM Emperor Naruhito) on the occasion of Enthronment (October 22, 2019).
(Photo Credit : Imperial Household Agency)