Condolence Message on demise of Ms.Imanishi


Japanese Universities Alumni Association, Nepal (JUAAN) expresses a deep sorrow and extends the message of condolence to the bereaved family and people of Japan on sad demise of Mrs Yoshiko Imanishi on 2 August 2023.

She was the spouse of late Mr Toshio Imanishi, former president of Sakai Lions Club and founder of JUAAN Sakai Lions Club and Imanishi Memorial Fellowship Trust, Kathmandu, Nepal.

She was keenly interested in Nepal and JUAAN activities even after demise of her husband, Mr Imanishi.

We, the members of JUAAN, pray for the eternal peace of her departed soul. May almighty give the power of patience and tolerance to her beloved ones and may all of her followers get through this disheartening moment.

Dr. Prabin Shrestha, MD, PhD

President, JUAAN

Condolence message of Ms Imanishi