JUAAN is organizing a webinar with the theme of “Handling COVID-19: Facts, Understanding, and Ways Forward”.
Date: Monday, 25th May, 2020
Time: 07 – 08 PM
Venue: Zoom (ID: 967 888 5460; Password: Not required). You can also click following link: https://nren.zoom.us/j/9678885460
Speakers: Please refer attached flyer JUAAN is organizing a webinar with the theme of “Handling COVID-19: Facts, Understanding, and Ways Forward”. Details are provided hereunder.
Date: Monday, 25th May, 2020
Time: 07 – 08 PM
Venue: Zoom (ID: 967 888 5460; Password: Not required). You can also click following link: https://nren.zoom.us/j/9678885460
Speakers: Please refer attached flyer