JUAAN Members Shared Experience on Developing Research Plan for Prospective JDS fellows
Upon request of Japan Development Service (JDS), the newly selected organization for implementing JDS program in Nepal, JUAAN Executives shared experience on developing research plans for the participants of “The Promotional Seminar for JDS Program 2019”. On behalf of JUAAN, Dr. Prem Paudel, Dr. Vishnu Prasad Pandey, and Dr. Ranjan Kumar Dahal, delivered the presentations in the events held on 28th August, 4th September, and 18th September, 2019, respectively. The programs were organized at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, Sigha Durbar, Kathmandu. Altogether 318 government officers joined in the three episode of the events. It was an opportunity to introduce JUAAN to a good number of government officers as well as encourage them to join JUAAN after returning from the study in Japan.