Dr. Buddha Ram Shah
Senior Scientist
I completed my Doctoral Study in an area of Biophysics from Kinki (now Kindai) University, Wakayama in 2011 under RONPAKU program of Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS). I am working at Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) since 1998 and heading Physical Science Research programs through NAST.
- Date Of Birth :
- User Email : buddharshah25@gmail.com
- Graduated Institute : Kindai University
- Study Duration : 5
- Study Field : Biophysics
- Degree : Doctor of Engineering
- Scholarship : JSPS
- Address : Khumaltar, Lalitpur GPO 3323 Kathmandu, NEPAL
- Residence : Kathmandu-31
- User Phone : 9841516684
- Office Name : Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
- Designation : Senior Scientist
- Office Tel : 5547715
- Office Email : buddharam.shah@nast.gov.np
- Recommended : Dr. Jay Kumar Raut